[Tutor] Good Text Editor/IDE for Python

gordon.schulz at gmail.com gordon.schulz at gmail.com
Mon Sep 1 14:45:13 CEST 2014

On Sunday, 31 Aug 2014 21:12, Juan Christian <juan0christian at gmail.com> wrote:

> I've been using PyCharm to code in Python but it seems a bit "overpowered"
> for this task, and there are some annoying bugs. 
> What do you guys use to code?

While I haven't really noticed any big bugs in PyCharm apart from the
dog-slow debugger which really annoys me (anyone got suggestions how to
speed it up?), I also regularly jump into (g)vim for most smaller tasks.
Pycharm is also setup with the IdeaVim Plugin so my keymaps match and I
don't mess up my muscle-memory.
In vim I use some plugins for my development work, most notably
YouCompleteMe, Unity, Fugitive+gitgutter, Syntastic and Ultisnips. Oh,
ctags are also great to have.

So it's basically about the task at hand - if it's some bigger project
at work and/or home I want to play with, I usually fire up PyCharm and
it's well worth it. For me the overhead is negligible - especially so if
you put some Javascript/Jinja/etc/etc into the mix. Jetbrain's plugins
and integration for almost anything under the sun are just amazing.

For everything else it's vim I use.
Best regards,
    /Gordon Schulz @azmd

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