[Tutor] http question

Clayton Kirkwood crk at godblessthe.us
Sun Nov 9 06:53:33 CET 2014

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Tutor [mailto:tutor-bounces+crk=godblessthe.us at python.org] On
>Behalf Of Steven D'Aprano
>Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2014 9:14 PM
>To: tutor at python.org
>Subject: Re: [Tutor] http question
>On Sat, Nov 08, 2014 at 06:12:48PM -0800, Clayton Kirkwood wrote:
>> As I move through my learning process, I am wanting to do some http
>> posts, etc. I know that there is a http class,
>Do you perhaps the http package (not class)?
>> but I also am aware of httplib2, but it still seems to be in eternal
>> alpha.
>What leads you to that conclusion? If you're talking about this:
>I don't see any sign that it is alpha version software. According to the
>readme file, it is at version 0.8.
>I don't see any signs that the author publicly releases any alpha or
>beta versions, they all appear to be ready for production. But if you
>have seen something that suggests otherwise, please point it out,
>because I'm happy to be corrected.

Well, I work from the premise that 0.anything is still a work in progress
and hasn't gotten to a point where the author is comfortable with general
use. I am sure that you disagree.

>> Which would be better? (However you
>> want to define better)
>I've never used httplib2, but it seems to be a well-known and often-used
>third-party library under active development. Unfortunately the
>documentation seems a bit mixed, the ref.tex file looks like it hasn't
>been updated since version 0.3 over seven years ago.

Again, suggests that the author isn't comfortable with a general release.
You may not agree.

>If you're intending to open and read from http://... URLs, you shouldn't
>directly use the http library as it is too low-level. Instead you should
>use the urllib library.
>Sticking to the standard library has the advantage that it is always
>available, but using third-party libraries instead may have the
>advantage that it is better/faster/more featureful/more rapidly updated

After reading various documentation, it seems that the urllib is limited.
Perhaps I am wrong and you will clarify that point.

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