[Tutor] encoding question

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Sun Jan 5 04:08:20 CET 2014

On Sat, 04 Jan 2014 18:31:13 -0800, Alex Kleider <akleider at sonic.net> 
> exactly what the line
> # -*- coding : utf -8 -*-
> really indicates or more importantly, is it true, since I am using 
> and I assume things are encoded as ascii?

I don't know vim specifically,  but I'm 99% sure it will let you 
specify the encoding,. Certainly emacs does, so I'd not expect vim to 
fall behind on such a fundamental point.   Anyway it's also likely 
that it defaults to utf for new files.  Anyway your job is to make 
sure that the encoding line matches what the editor is using.  Emacs 
also looks in the first few lines for that same encoding line, so if 
you format it carefully, it'll just work. Easy to test anyway for 
yourself.  Just paste some international characters into a literal 


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