[Tutor] win32api & win32gui help

Joe Bennett jammer10000 at ka3nam.com
Fri Feb 28 18:22:15 CET 2014

Looking for a good simple remedial course on getting my python script
to talk to a Windows program. The author of the windows program has
documented the api here:


I'm struggling to understand how to implement the messages with
win32api/ gui... I've taken a stab at it here with my goal being that
I just want to 'register' with the program and receive the response
from it. So far I'm still scratching my head over this...

I get a response for 'hwnd' but have not been able to get any
confirmation that RegisterMessage, PostMessage and GetMessage are
working, configured properly or...what...

Running this all in WIN7 with ActivePython 2.6.6...

import win32api
import win32gui

hwnd = win32gui.FindWindowEx(0, 0, 0, "Logger32")

print "hwnd= ", hwnd

message = win32api.RegisterWindowMessage("Logger32 3")


test = win32gui.GetMessage(hwnd,0,0)

print "GetMessage: ", test



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