[Tutor] Which computer operating system is best for Python

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu Feb 6 10:46:54 CET 2014

On 06/02/14 02:11, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> But still complex. And you're limited by the (lack of) stability of
> Windows.

Unless you are running a server a modern Windows set up is stable 
enough. Since windows 7 and 8 the core OS is far better than earlier 
incarnations. I've only had one BSOD in the last 5 years and I've had at 
least two kernel panics on my Linux boxes in that time. But then I use 
Linux(70%?) more than Windows(15%?)...

The big bugbear with Windows is not instability per se but the need to 
reboot it every time you change anything. Linux is much better for that.
But for an ordinary user, once you have the basic setup and apps in 
place I don't think Windows stability is a real factor any more.
Especially on a laptop that will likely be reboot every day anyway!

And for a beginner who is only programming casually and likely doing 
other things with the PC a Windows box makes a lot of sense since other 
programs are more plentiful and generally better quality for casual use.

If you want to become a pro then sure Linux is great and without doubt 
the best development OS around. But for a 13 year old casual user? I 
doubt it makes much difference.

All IMHO of course :-)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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