[Tutor] strange errors

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Mon Feb 3 20:29:12 CET 2014

Gabriele Brambilla wrote:

> No, i'm not  using lowlevel stuff...which part of the script do you want
> to see?

The part that remains when you throw out everything that has no effect on 
the "strange errors" ;)

For example if you have a routine

def load_data(filename):
    ... # do complex processing
    return some_array

that reads a custom file format, and your script still fails when you 
replace that by

def load_data(filename):
    return numpy.array([42.0])

then post the simplified version. In that spirit apply every simplification 
you can think of, then make sure that your script still fails, then post.

Alternatively, post the whole beast and hope that someone will care enough 
and find the needle in the haystack.

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