[Tutor] Interacting with stderr

Danny Yoo dyoo at hashcollision.org
Sun Aug 31 02:09:24 CEST 2014

>>> One other thing: if you can avoid running commands as root, I'd
>>> strongly suggest doing so.  Your second screenshot shows that you're
>>> running as root superuser, and the imaginary security demon that sits
>>> on my left shoulder is laughing uproariously as we speak.
>> Haha Yes I am aware of people like you who are just itching to exploit
>> vulnerabilities like that; however, the programs my company uses to
>> broadcast will only run as root.
> That's a really bad design decision, and rarely necessary. It is often
> _easy_, but it leaves your systems at much greater risk.

I agree with Cameron.  On a scale from 1 to 10, where 10 is "oh my god
this is bad", what you're doing by running such a program as root is
about an 8 or 9.  But, then, I've always been an optimist.

The fact that you're doing this in the context of a company, where
things actually _matter_,  turns the situation from what I thought was
merely "dubious" into one that's closer to "criminal".  Please, please
get an education from your local friendly Unix system administrator
about running as root superuser.

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