[Tutor] Question about Functions

Chris Down chris at chrisdown.name
Tue Sep 10 22:25:41 CEST 2013

On 2013-09-10 13:34, novo shot wrote:
> When I declare a variable to be equal as the fucntion
> (result=theFunction("this either")) is Python also executing the function?

You're not declaring it as equal, that would be `==' (or `is' for identity).
`=' assigns, it doesn't check for equality.

> The way I see it, I only called for the function once before printing
> ARRRGH!! Then after that I declared a variable and then I print.
> This is how I expected the result to look like:
> I don't get this
> reply is: I don't get this either

Why do you expect "reply is" to happen on the second line? It clearly only
happens when printing the returned value, not when printing from inside the
function itself:

> def theFunction(message):
>     print "I don't get ", message
>     return "ARRRGH!"
> theFunction("this")
> result=theFunction("this either")
> print "reply is: ", result

The extra spaces are because "," implies one. If you don't want a double space
before the message, remove the trailing space in the string.
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