[Tutor] Want to create a facebook Application for linux desktop

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sun Mar 31 18:44:57 CEST 2013

On 31/03/13 16:09, chandan kumar wrote:

> I have searched google, but not found any relevant information for this.
> Please tell me to how to get started to execute this using python.

What is your background? Can you already program in Python?
Can you program in other languages?
Given your .sig I assume the answer is yes to both?

What did you Google? I don't know if Facebook has a
published API? If not you will have to web scrape it
in which case you need libraries like Beautiful Soup,
or maybe etree.

You'll also need to read up on the urllib and HTML family.

Have you any idea how to structure the program? Have you got an overall 
architecture in mind? Will it be a daemon? A web server?  A traditional 
client/server? Or will it be a homogenous desktop app?

What about data stores? Will you cache data locally or assume
permanent 'cloud' access? Do you have a data or object model
in mind? Are you using OOP or procedural style?

Hopefully those questions will help you formulate your ideas if
you have not already done so.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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