[Tutor] FW: Fwd: (no subject)

Amit Saha amitsaha.in at gmail.com
Sun Mar 31 05:00:13 CEST 2013

On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Soliman, Yasmin <ysoliman at uncc.edu> wrote:
> yes, your program does work. The problem is if I run that similar statment in my program, say I enter the year and for month I write Quit, it says quit is not defined. I suppose in this senerio I would have to use the sys.exit()?

Do you mean that you want to quit if *any* of your inputs is given as
'Quit' ? The something like this should work:

import weekday_string1
while True:
    ryear = raw_input("year= ")
    print ryear
    if ryear=='Quit':
        print '\nThank you for using this program! Bye.'
        year = int(ryear)
        month = raw_input("month= ")
        day = raw_input("day= ")

       if month=='Quit' or day == 'Quit':

        wd = weekday_string1.weekday_string(year, int(month), int(day))
        print "The given date: %2d/%2d/%4d is a %s." % (month, day, year, wd)
        print "======================================"

Couple of things here:

1. I have used raw_input() to take the input for month and day as well
(Why? See the differences between input() and raw_input():

2. Since raw_input() returns its input as a string, I use the int()
function when I call your weekday_string() function with month and

Does that help?



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