[Tutor] Help for to do a script

Boris Vladimir Comi glez_b at comunidad.unam.mx
Fri Mar 16 19:52:19 CET 2012

Hello, I am writing to request your help in the realization of a script. I am new to this and I'm just learning the wonderful world of python and this has made me a little difficult.

Briefly I commented what I intend to do:

I detect a class of atmospheric phenomena known as Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCS). To accomplish this, I have a database of satellites by 2004, every half hour. These data were downloaded from the server: unidata2.ssec.wisc.edu and data format is: 200404271515.goes12ir (Area Format)

The first thing to do is detect a convective system in the satellite data, using the following characteristics:

MCS Criteria

Minimum Size: Continuous cold cloud shield (TIR <219 K and Must Have an area> 34000 km ²)

Duration: Definition of Minimum Size Must Be A Period of Exceed or ≥ 3h

Initiation: Time When the Minimum Size is met

Maximum Extention: Time when the continuous cloud shield (TIR <219 K) is at its maximum size

Termination: When the Time Minimun Size is not satisfied

where: Temperature Infrarred is TIR

To achieve this, first I created a script in python to identify a MCS in my database (script in attached)

The script is run from a linux terminal ($ python TIR.py), to run it I get the following error:

File "/home/mcidasv/JYTHON/TIR.py", line 22
    count = count + 1;
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

 If anyone can help me with this script or any idea you suggest to improve it, I would greatly appreciate.

Boris Vladimir Comi Gonzalez
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Grupo de Tormentas Convecivas
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