[Tutor] breeds of Python .....

Barry Drake bdrake at crosswire.org
Sun Apr 1 12:43:32 CEST 2012

On 01/04/12 06:19, Brett Ritter wrote:
> My recommendation is to go with Python2 - most major projects haven't 
> made the switch and I'd expect another year or two before they do so. 
> Many tutorials and examples are Python 2-based and there are not that 
> many differences to unlearn in terms of habits. 

Thanks Brett and those who replied.  As my only reason for getting into 
Python is to be able to show the kids at the local school a bit about 
programming, and as I've no investment in existing code at all, I'm 
going to go with Python3.  The tutorials and examples I have are as 
plentiful in Python3 as in Python2, and the ones I might want from the 
Python2 tutorial will be easy to convert and will help the learning 

The main reason I asked the opinion of this list was in case there was a 
vast opinion gap like there is in Ubuntu between Unity lovers and Unity 
haters.  I guess Unity is a bit like Marmite.  I get the view that 
Python3 is just a natural progression.  I never experienced this with c 
as the standard library base on Kernighan and Ritchie never seemed to 
change its syntax from the word go.

Kind regards,        Barry.

 From Barry Drake - a member of the Ubuntu advertising team.

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