[Tutor] why doesn't python show error

Max gmail maxskywalker1 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 28 15:47:06 CET 2011

In some cases, it is a useful fact that Python only shows error messages when they are encountered.  For example, I can test a program while keeping away from an area that still doesn't work, rather than having to make it work flawlessly before my first test.

Python *can* generate executables with py2exe, though if you use Python 3 you'll need to learn to convert your code to Python 2.  Or, as Blender does, you could include Python in the download of your program, so that the user installs both your program and Python.

On Nov 28, 2011, at 4:53 AM, surya k wrote:

> 1. Why doesn't python show error(description given below) at the beginning when we use functions which aren't present in the standard modules...
> Example: 
> TheString = raw_input('enter a string')lengthofStr = strlen(TheString)Look closely, I used a wrong function to find length of the string. [ strlen( ) belongs to C ].When I run the program, it didn't show any error but when entered input, it then showed up!.Why python doesn't show error at the beginning just like C does?2. Why doesn't python create executable file (.exe ) when we run the code.. If this doesn't do, how can I share my program.. does everyone need to have python to check others code and know what it does?  		 	   		  
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