[Tutor] Python code trouble!

Asokan Pichai pasokan at talentsprint.com
Tue Nov 22 11:15:28 CET 2011


I wrote some code. It is below so that you can avoid scrolling down and
seeing it if you do not want to see any code!


people = list(" ABCDEFGHIJKLMN")
COUNT = len(people)
remove = 3
SPACE = ' '

def survivorCount(a):
       return len(a) - a.count(SPACE)

pos = 0
men = 0
while survivorCount(people) != 1:
       if people[pos] != SPACE:
            men += 1
            if men % remove == 0:
                  print "removed", people[pos], "at", pos
                  people[pos] = SPACE
       pos = (pos + 1) % COUNT

print ''.join(people).strip()
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