[Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 88, Issue 83

Walter Prins wprins at gmail.com
Tue Jun 21 20:59:38 CEST 2011

Hi Arun,

On 21 June 2011 08:56, arun kumar <arunkumar413 at gmail.com> wrote:

> yes i did a Google search but  did find anything useful. The xhtml2pdf is
> buggy in i'm unable to install it. Also mailed the community of  xhtml2pdf
> but didn't receive any reply from  them.

OK, firstly I'm no expect on xhtml2pdf, but not being able to install it
does not neccesarily mean that it's buggy...  It might (I suspect) be
something to do with your environment or with what you're doing.  Exactly
what errors did you get?

Out of curiosity, I just installed it on my Ubuntu box, by issuing:

sudo pip install xhtml2pdf

It apparently installed successfully.  (You would only be able to follow
this command if a) you're using Ubuntu, b) you have "pip" installed in your
Python environment.  If you don't know what "pip" is or why it's useful then
either post back and ask, or better yet, first do your own research and then
post if you still have questions and don't understand.)

Thanks for the suggestion but  my  desktop environment  is not qt. Its
> gnome.

QT is not a desktop environment, it's a cross application framework, primary
feature of which is its platform independent widget set.  Therefore your
desktop environment is actually irrelevant w.r.t. whether or not you use QT
in your solution.  In other words: You can install QT and run QT
applications on your Gnome desktop.  (Or on pretty much any other platform
where QT is available.)

On Debian based desktops using Gnome (like Ubuntu), the following command
(untested) should pull in QT4 and all the dependencies, together with the
Python wrappers, to allow you to try out the QT PDF suggestion.

apt-get install python-qt4

As an aside, it (QT4) was already installed on my Ubuntu installation, I
don't know if that's because at some point I installed an app that required
it or whether it's because it was installed by default.


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