[Tutor] How does it work?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Jan 3 17:09:48 CET 2011

"Neo Vector" <neo_vector at yahoo.com> wrote 

> Could you explain me how does it work, pls?
> ==============================
>>>>r = ''

r is an empty string

>>>>for c in 'abcd':

c takes the value of each letter in turn

>            r = c + r

strings can be added such that the result is the 
concatenation of the two strings. So in this case:
r becomes the sum of its old value and the current value of c

repeat for the next value of c.

If that doesn't help then tell us which bit(s) of it you 
don't understand.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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