[Tutor] Ideas and good examples

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Feb 4 10:30:22 CET 2011

"David Goering" <dgoering at gmail.com> wrote

> It says v3 is Under Construction, how long do you expect it to be 
> like this.

The basic v3 tutor is all done except for the Case Study - which is
currently about 75% complete. Its certainly usable.

The Practical Python topics have not been started yet, but any v3 user
who got that far should be able to adapt the v2 versions pretty 
they are mostly about modules that haven't changed much. So
apart from adding () to print and using input() instead of raw_input()
they should be fine. In fact I'm thinking about putting a redirect
link on those pages as a temporary measure...

> Is it worth waiting or should I just go ahead with v2 ?

v2 is still better supported than v3 on forums and in tutorials etc.
And a few libraries have not been poprtted to v3 yet, but the
number is reducing every week. My own view is that a beginner
with no immediate specific project could probably start with v3.
But if you are learning Python because you need it for a specific
project then stick with v2 for now - its a lower risk option.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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