[Tutor] Standard way to create debian packages for python programs?

Mac Ryan quasipedia at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 19:48:35 CEST 2011

On Thu, 18 Aug 2011 12:48:19 -0400
"Prasad, Ramit" <ramit.prasad at jpmorgan.com> wrote:

> To be honest, even after reading your original post twice (now
> knowing you are actually asking a Python question) I am unsure what
> Python question you are asking.

Apologies, English is not my mother tongue, maybe I wasn't able to
express myself clearly enough?

> >2. Step e) is really the more confusing to me: specifically the two
> >   points that remains most obscure to me are:
> >   I.  How do I write a script that install a stand-alone programe?
> I assume you can use Python and os.system or better yet subprocess
> (worst case scenario Python calls the other utils). This is not
> really a python specific question and you did not mention distutils
> here. Either way I have no clue, sorry.

You lost me, but I assume this is because you didn't get my question in
the first place. My point "e" mentions the setup.py script that one
must write for using distutils. This is what the question is about: how
do I write a script that handle a full program with several modules,
data files, etc? The official documentation seems not to provide an
example for this. Since my posting this question here, I received a
useful link for this from another source, that I'm still working
through: http://wiki.python.org/moin/Distutils/Tutorial

> >   II. What are the specificities for DEB packages? The official
> >       documentation only seems to deal with RPM and Windows stuff...
> Not a Python question and no clue.

It *IS* a python question as it refers to the distutils module. If you
read the documentation
(http://docs.python.org/distutils/builtdist.html) you will see that
there are sections about windows exe installer and RPM packages, but
none for DEB... how is so? Maybe distutils can't handle build
distribution for this platform? Or maybe it is simply undocumented?

> >3. Is there any "reasonable sized" source of information...
> Not a Python question and no clue.
> >4. Any word of wisdom / additional info you would like to share?
> Again, not really a Python question. 

In some 3 years I am member of this list I have seen thousands of
messages containing pointers to external documentation and advice from
this list users' personal experience... so they might not be technically
about python code, but I'm positive they are not off-topic requests.

> Something like:
> http://showmedo.com/videotutorials/video?name=linuxJensMakingDeb  OR
> http://ghantoos.org/2008/10/19/creating-a-deb-package-from-a-python-setuppy/
> OR
> http://ask.debian.net/questions/how-to-build-a-pure-python-debian-package 

Of the three links you provided, two were in my original question...
The third link's answer only contains a link to another source from my
original question... :(


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