[Tutor] GUI IDLE for UBUNTU 10

"Andrés Chandía" andres at chandia.net
Wed Apr 6 12:43:56 CEST 2011

Actually the default text editor in Ubuntu, "gedit" has a plugin named Python
console, that you can activate at "edit > preferences" menu, then at the menu
"view > inferior subwindow" (F9) you can activate it, maybe the menu names are
not exact, because I'm translating from catalan.

Good luck!

On Wed,
April 6, 2011 11:34, Ratna Banjara wrote:
  As i know python
comes as default in ubuntu and can be accessed from terminal.
But i found difficulty to
write programs in editor and run from terminal. I need GUI
Before this i used to run in
windows with python IDLE which makes easy to write python codes and run using Run command or
pressing F5.
Now i want to ask if there is python GUI IDLE equivalent in Ubuntu.
Please help.
Ratna P Banjara



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innecesariamente. ¡Cuide el medio ambiente!
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