[Tutor] Web Harvesting & AJAX/Javascript

Roy Hinkelman royhink at gmail.com
Mon Nov 29 20:42:14 CET 2010


I am working on a project to automate the harvesting of a site that uses
Javascript throughout it's navigation. So, I want to follow onclick and
mouseover events that use JS functions, and capture/display the resulting
info. My script is activated by an onload event.

I just want to make sure that I am headed in the right direction, and not
missing something!. Any advise or pointers appreciated.

Researching this has led me to PAMIE and Selenium. PAMIE is giving me
problems with permissions, and the discussion group appears to be fading
away. I have not tried Selenium yet. Both open a browser instance, and PAMIE
is quite slow, and I expect Selenium to be quite slow as well.

How are you navigating around these Javascript based pages? Is there a
library or plugin that I am missing?

Thanks in advance.

Roy Hinkelman

**Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ
from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even
incapable of forming such opinions.-- Albert Einstein
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