[Tutor] raw_input a directory path

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu May 13 01:08:20 CEST 2010

"Spencer Parker" <inthefridge at gmail.com> wrote

> Here is the code:
> http://dpaste.com/hold/193862/

First comment: why are you using print followed by raw_input?
You could put the prompt string inside raw_input - if you need 
a new line just put a \n in the prompt string. It will shorten and 
clarify the code.

> <http://dpaste.com/hold/193862/>It still isn't working for me.  I don't see
> it hitting the first for loop or even the second one.  It runs without an
> error at all.

What if you put a print to echo the directory value?

> I am inputing the directory as: \\Documents\ and\
> Settings\\user\\Desktop\\test

I don't think you should need the double \\, Python will do that for 
you if its reading from raw_input - the print should confirm that.

os.walk has a return value of a tuple with 3 values not 2. 
I'd expect a ValueError there... unless the walk returns nothing 
which would be true if the directory was empty - or did not exist?
Again use the print to check the directory is valid. 
Try using listdir() on it to see if it can read it.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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