[Tutor] A class list

Dave Angel davea at ieee.org
Fri Dec 24 23:23:05 CET 2010

On 01/-10/-28163 02:59 PM, Robert Berman wrote:
> I am working on the second part of the 'Bingo' problem defined at the Bingo
> Praxis web page, http://programmingpraxis.com/2009/02/19/bingo/.
> My notes as how to best define and build the problem:
> 'In a large game with five hundred cards in play, what is the average number
> of calls required before any card achieves bingo?'
> In this version of the simulation we generate 500 unique cards which, by
> definition, implies 500 players. Initially, the rules insist there is only one
> pass through  the cage.  Since there are 500 players, we have to define a
> methodology such that the order of play is random. We first create 500 cards
> and assign them to a list so that the first card is referenced by cardlist[0]
> and the last card is represented by cardlist[499].
> We then generate a random non-replaceable list of these same values (0-499).
> This becomes the ordering queue of which card will be played with the current
> value pulled from the cage. list.pop() determines the card in action.
> Since we only care about the game until it is won, as soon as one card has
> bingo, the entire game is finished and the value of all other cards is not
> considered in the simulation.
> The call counter is incremented every time the cage is accessed.
> I am building the program in incremental steps with each step to accomplish a
> set functionality. Each step I hope is designed to be tested with relative
> simplicity and rather obvious points of success and failure. The first
> function is simply to create an array(list) of classes. Rather than testing
> for 500 cards in the list, I am currently using 5 cards.
> Both the class and the list building function can be seen at:
> http://pastebin.com/QNPVec8L .
> The problem that is confounding me is that the list is returned where any
> member of bingocard.mycard is identical to all the other members of
> bingocard.mycard in the list.
> Through a number of tests I have learned that the last card of the list seems
> to permeate upward to the first. I have researched building a list of classes
> and I think I have done it correctly, but obviously at this point I am not
> going to say it should work. What I am asking is 1) Why is the function doing
> what it is doing rather than what I thought I programmed it to do, and 2) How
> can I code it to do what I want it to do: Produce N number of non duplicated
> cards.
> OS:  Windows 7.
> Python version 2.6.4
> IDE: Pycharm 1.1 EAP
> Thank you for any and all assistance.
> Robert

I didn't study the whole code listing, but there's an obvious problem 
you need to address first.

You only have one instance of the mycard list.  You made it a class 
attribute, while you meant to make it an instance attribute.

So your first change should be to move that code inside the __init__ 
method, and of course precede it with "self".


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