[Tutor] Best Practice: Subroutines and Loop logic

GoodPotatoes goodpotatoes at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 3 20:29:43 CEST 2009


I am trying to find the best way to do this.  My goal is to only call this subroutine only ONCE, and the logic is contingent upon two outputs.

lWords=[...] # List of many, many words
lData=[...] #list of some words that need to be validated against lWords

#subroutine to search for words, ignore case
def sub1(foo):  
    for word in lWords:
        if re.search(pFoo,word):

#logic loop
for word in lData:
    if word in lWords:
    elif sub1(word)[0]=1:            
        word=sub1(word)[1]  # <--- Here is my question.
        print word " not found.\n"

The subroutine is being run once at the elif statement.  I don't want to run it again just to get the [1] value.  
    *Is there any way to capture all of the values returned when it is run during the elif statement?
    *Is this actually running twice? 

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