[Tutor] Shared FIFO?

Allen Fowler allen.fowler at yahoo.com
Mon May 18 16:47:44 CEST 2009

> "Allen Fowler" wrote 
> > I have several CGI scripts that I would like coordinate via a "First In / 
> First Out" style buffer.    That is, some processes are adding work units, and 
> some take the oldest and start work on them.
> > 
> > What is the right way to do this?    I suppose I could use an SQL server or 
> SQlite , but that seems very complex for just a FIFO.
> Given how easy it is to use something like SqlLite from Python I don't think its 
> an unreasonable approach and it avoids or eases some of the hidden complexities 
> around using simple files (such as locking issues).

Yeah.  Now that I think about there are ton of small issues that using sqlite would take care of.

For clarification, this is not just for CGI scripts... there will be cron initiated processes and perhaps a TurboGears app accessing the same buffer.

Since this sounds like it's been done before, can anyone direct me to tutorial or how-to on the subject?

thank you,


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