[Tutor] class design

Norman Khine norman at khine.net
Sat Jun 6 11:04:35 CEST 2009

I would like help to design the following:

In my application I have 3 folders each containing images, something like:

$ tree -L 3 /database/companies/company/
|-- product
|   |-- itinerary
|   |   |-- img1.gif
|   |   |-- img1.gif.metadata
|   |   |-- day1
|   |   |   |-- img2.gif
|   |   |   `-- img2.gif.metadata
|   |   |-- day1.metadata
|   |   |-- day2
|   |   |   |-- Alon.jpg
|   |   |   `-- Alon.jpg.metadata
|   |   |-- day2.metadata
|   |   |-- nc.jpg
|   |   `-- nc.jpg.metadata
|   |-- itinerary.metadata
|   |-- pyre.jpg
|   `-- pyre.jpg.metadata
`-- product.metadata

where I have the Product, Itinerary and Day folders, each containing
images and other files.

Here is what I have so far that works, but I am looking for better solution.



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