[Tutor] advice on creating and working with a complex data structure

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Jul 20 19:48:14 CEST 2009

"Serdar Tumgoren" <zstumgoren at gmail.com> wrote 

> I'm working with a database of campaign finance filings, and I'm
> trying to create a data structure that captures the fact that:
>  - there can be multiple races
>  - races can have multiple candidates
>  - candidates can have multiple campaign committees
>  - campaign committees can file multiple reports

Have you considered using classes? This looks like a fairly 
natural fit for race, candidate, committee and maybe report 

> I'm trying to pull these records from a database and output them to an
> HTML file in sorted order.

Each class could have a render method that retuirns 
an HTML fragment as a  string...

> Once I've created the data object,  I'd like to group the output by
> race, party, candidate, committee and filing, so that when I output in
> my template, it appears like this:

You could provide support for a sort method that would
do the grouping for yopu...

> I've been looking at Cookbook examples that rely on the setdefault
> method to add key:value pairs to a dictionary, but I wasn't sure how
> to implement that approach for a data structure with so many layers of
> nesting.

One level at a time!
But with classes there would be less nesting and more relatinships

> * Is the best approach to create some type of a Race class that can
> store all these varying data points for each race?

I think you want a lot more than a Race class, see above.

> * Should I be using some type of recursive function to handle all the
> levels of nesting?

Probably not, a simple inter-bject relationship will make traversal 
much easier

> And of course, please let me know if there's a simpler approach I'm
> overlooking that would meet my requirements.

I think creating more objects and getting each object to handle 
fetching the stuff from its next level down would be simpler


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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