[Tutor] My code to update database

Eduardo Vieira eduardo.susan at gmail.com
Fri Jul 10 20:29:52 CEST 2009

Hello! I have the code below to update a database from a csv file. I
have tested one time and it has worked fine, but I'm a bit fearful
that it should work right as I am updating a database and don't want
to cause troubles into the system.
Is this code safe for my personal use?
the update code is in a function, but the rest of the code to connect
and disconnect is outside the function. I thought this was a good idea
because for each line iterated in the csv file, there is a call to the
function to update the database with the data from the csv file. So,
using the 'global' inside the function is ok, or maybe not?

# --- Code starts here ---

import csv
import dbi
import odbc

myconn = odbc.odbc('DSN=MKPT01')
mycursor = myconn.cursor()

def inventory_update(partnumber, quantity, warehouse='00'):
    """Updates a given part number with the corrected quantity"""
    global mycursor
    mycursor.execute("""UPDATE INVENTORY SET ONHAND = ?

    """, [quantity, partnumber, warehouse])

if __name__ == "__main__":

    csvreader = csv.reader(open('Inventory_tracker.csv', 'rb'),
dialect = 'excel')

    for pnumber, qty in csvreader:
        print "%s has now %s items in stock" % (pnumber, qty)
        inventory_update(pnumber, qty)


# --- End ---

I'd appreciate your feedback.


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