[Tutor] operator, mult

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Jan 28 09:29:09 CET 2009

"col speed" <ajarncolin at gmail.com> wrote

> I got the following function while googling:
> def totient(n):
>    from operator import mult
>    if n == 1: return 1
>    return reduce(mult, [(p-1) * p**(m-1) for p,m in 
> prime_factors_mult(n)])
> I already have the "prime_factors" function. The problem is that I 
> cannot
> find "mult".

Given it says mult is in operators then it must be (or have been
in a previous version) a standard Python operator that is intended.
Did it menton which version of Python was used? Is it an old site?

> I tried using "mul" which is in "operator" but that is
> obviously not the same thing.

How so? What did it do?

>>> from operator import mul
>>> reduce(mul,[1,2,3,4])

Does what I would expect it to do... What do you think mult should do?

Alan G

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