[Tutor] 2 & 4 or more spaces per indentation level..

Eric Dorsey dorseye at gmail.com
Fri Jan 16 02:57:09 CET 2009

Dear Pythonistas:

Working in IDLE on Windows Vista, I have one program that I set to have 2
character spacing (due to the levels of if's and while's going on -- later
my brother called this a bit of a code smell, ie. logic shouldn't go that
deep, it should be broken out into separate functions instead. Thoughts on
that are welcome to, do any of you feel logic should only go so many layers
deep?), and my editor defaults to 4 (Which I believe is the standard
according to PEP 8)
I copied some code from the 2 spacing program to another I'm writing
currently which has the default 4, and it got things kind of screwy with
spacing. I believe I've got it fixed now by manually tabbing/spacing, etc.,
but I was wondering, if this happened on a much bigger scale, or you were
say, pasting code in from some example where they used a different spacing
than you, is there a simple/good/smart way to get it all back to the 4
spacing default? Or if for example I wanted to convert my 2 spacing program
to the conventional 4?

- Eric
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