[Tutor] Class definition...

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu Feb 26 19:42:24 CET 2009

"Spencer Parker" <inthefridge at gmail.com> wrote

>I am looking for a good tutorial to walk through that really explains 
> definition.  This has been one sticking point that always messes me 
> up

I assume from that you have been through the basic tutors like mine?

Have you tried the deeper material in Dive into Python and the 

If so then it is probnably better for you to give us some specific
questions you have. Or post a bit of a tutorialyou don't understand
and we can collectively try to clarify it. Specific questions are 
easier to answer than generalities.

> the most part.  That and when people use "self".  For some reason I 
> just
> can't grasp what people say.  Any good pointers to throw at me?

OK, I explain self in my OOP tutor topic ( a sub heading under
"Using Classes"), but again if thats not sufficient then you probably
need to give us explicit  examples of what you don't understand and
your concerns.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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