[Tutor] Convert a string of numbers to a list

A.T.Hofkamp a.t.hofkamp at tue.nl
Thu Feb 26 12:40:04 CET 2009

kkwaiser at umich.edu wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to convert an output from subprocess.Popen() from a byte 
> string to a list of numbers.  This is what Popen returns:
> print SAL.stdout.readlines()
> ['[335, 180, 201, 241, 199]\r\n']
> Except the string will be much longer in practice.
> I've experimented with .rstrip and .split and I've looked over the csv 
> module but have not been able to figure anything out.   My only 
> restriction is to avoid writing to a file.

Don't know about the csv module, but if you want to do it in plain Python:

readlines() returns a list of lines, so do the following for each line in the 

1. chop off the "[" and "]\r\n"
2. split on ","
3. convert to integer values by means of int()

> I have a feeling I'm missing something incredibly simple.  Any help 
> would be greatly appreciated,

Please post what you have, and what you are stuck on, then we can guide you 
through the problem.


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