[Tutor] Passing perimeters in dictionary values?

nathan virgil sdragon1984 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 25 02:32:10 CET 2009

Erm, it's still not working...

Whenever I try to use the talk method (which reports the mood, and doesn't
take parameters), it says I gave it too many parameters. Maybe it might help
if I posted the code in it's entirety....

# Critter Caretaker
# A virtual pet to care for

class Critter(object):
    """A virtual pet"""
    def __init__(self, name, hunger = 0, boredom = 0):
        self.name = name
        self.hunger = hunger
        self.boredom = boredom

    def __pass_time(self):
        self.hunger += 1
        self.boredom += 1

    def __get_mood(self):
        unhappiness = self.hunger + self.boredom
        if unhappiness < 5:
            mood = "happy"
        elif 5 <= unhappiness <= 10:
            mood = "okay"
        elif 11 <= unhappiness <= 15:
            mood = "frustrated"
            mood = "mad"
        return mood

    mood = property(__get_mood)

    def talk(self):
        print "I'm", self.name, "and I feel", self.mood, "now.\n"

    def eat(self, food = 4):
        print "Brruppp.  Thank you."
        self.hunger -= food
        if self.hunger < 0:
            self.hunger = 0

    def play(self, fun = 4):
        print "Wheee!"
        self.boredom -= fun
        if self.boredom < 0:
            self.boredom = 0

    def backdoor(self):
        print "hunger:", self.hunger, "boredom:", self.boredom

def quit():
    print "God-bye!"

def main():
    crit_name = raw_input("What do you want to name your critter?: ")
    crit = Critter(crit_name)

    selection = None
    while selection != "0":
        print \
        Critter Caretaker

        0 - Quit
        1 - Listen to your critter
        2 - Feed your critter
        3 - Play with your critter

        selection = raw_input("Choice: ")
        choices = {"0":(quit, None), "1":(crit.talk, None), "2":(crit.eat,
3), "3":(crit.play, 3), "Xyzzy":(crit.backdoor, None)}
        if selection in choices:
           choice = choices[selection]

("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")
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