[Tutor] WINSOCK stdin question

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sun Feb 8 10:08:09 CET 2009

> Yes, this is exactly what I am looking to accomplish.  
> On one host I have an application that is sending 
> cmd.exe to a second host.  

OK, how is that application doing that? What port is 
it sending the output to on the remote host? You say 
CMD.exe but that is the windows shell. There is no 
way to direct it to another host directly so how is 
this application redirecting cmd.exe? Does it have 
a name?

You might need to write two programs, one on the 
host computer to run and redirect cmd.exe to the 
remote PC and then relay the returned data as 
input to CMD.exe as well as another app on the 
remote PC to pick up the incoming data and 
relay the user input back down the socket.

We need to know a lot more about how this thing 
is glued together.

Alan G.

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