[Tutor] WINSOCK stdin question

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Feb 7 00:53:33 CET 2009

"Tom Green" <xchimeras at gmail.com> wrote

> I need some advice on a problem I am facing.  Basically I have a 
> binary that
> sends out a reverse shell (CMD prompt).

OK, You lost me right here.

What is a reverse shell? That's a new one for me?
(I tried wikipedia but drew a blank)

> I have a listening Python socket and I would like to know how I can
> redirect the CMD prompt to stdin,

It might be useful to know what OS you are on and how you are
running this application. Also is the listening socket on the same
computer as the "reverse shell"?

> can interact with the host that is sending the shell.

The fact you mention host suggests its a separate box, but I'm not 


Alan G 

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