[Tutor] Pexpect latest version.

Mac Ryan quasipedia at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 00:14:06 CEST 2009

Hello everybody,

	this is more a request of info than of help.

I want to play around with pexpect a bit, but I am confused on what is
the latest stable version. On SF (linked from the site of the pexpect


it seems the latest version (2.3), but I was able to download the 2.4
from here:


which is just over one year old. On the other hand the version included
in the repos of my linux distro is 2.3.1.

So my questions:
1. Does anybody know if both version are compatible with python 2.6?
2. Does anybody know if 2.4 is a stable (secret) version?

Of course if you have experience with pexpect and feel compelled to give
some preliminary advice (like known limitations or quirks that take
hours to understand, or "don't use it because is broken" kind of
remarks) I will be glad to hear those as well! :)

Many thanks for your time,

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