[Tutor] Add newline's, wrap, a long string

Martin Walsh mwalsh at mwalsh.org
Wed Apr 29 15:30:40 CEST 2009

David wrote:
> Martin Walsh wrote:
>>> ... but, you don't need to use subprocess at all. How about (untested),
>>> # grep USE /tmp/comprookie2000/emerge_info.txt |head -n1|cut -d\" -f2
>>> infof = open('/tmp/comprookie2000/emerge_info.txt')
>>> for line in infof:
>>>     if 'USE' in line:
>>>         USE = line.split('"')[1]
>>>         break
>>> else:
>>>     USE = ''
>>> infof.close()
> Thanks Martin works perfect. So I understand correctly, line.split('"')
> splits the list on " so [1] grabs after USE = " and up till [2] starts.

That's right, in other words it emulates the behavior of 'cut -d\" -f2'.
Python having 0-based indexing, you use 1 instead of 2, etc.

> Again thanks, I like the comments :)
> -david

Welcome, glad it helped.


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