[Tutor] mergin two csv files based on a common join

qsqgeekyogdty at tiscali.co.uk qsqgeekyogdty at tiscali.co.uk
Fri Oct 31 23:04:57 CET 2008

Hello again,
Thanks for the replies on my previous post, but I have a different 
problem now and don't see how to deal with it in a smooth way.

I have two csv files where:


"1", "text", "aa"
"2", "text2", "something else"
"3", "text3", "something else"


"text", "xx"
"text", "yy"
"text3", "zz"

now I would like to have an output like:

"1", "text", "aa"
"1", "text", "xx"
"2", "text2", "something else"
"3", "text3", "something else"
"3", "text3", "zz"

I basically need to merge the two csv files based on the column-2



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