[Tutor] help with augumented assignment y += 1

Emile van Sebille emile at fenx.com
Wed Jul 30 21:04:48 CEST 2008

Norman Khine wrote:
> Hi,
> Appologies, there was a typo, in that the first line is:
> ['1'] ['a1', 'a2', 'a2', 'a2'] [1, 1, 2, 4]

Yes -- that helps.

So, working from your xml samples, by doing something like:

responses = [ [a,b,c] for a,b,c in responseAnalysisGenerator ]

you can end up with responses and survey that look like:

responses = [
   [['1'],['a1', 'a2'],[1, [2,3]]],
   [['5'],['a1', 'a2'],[1, 2]],
   [['3'],['a1', 'a2'],[3, 4]]

survey = [{'question': 'a1',
   'options': [[u'Yes',
                u"Don't know"]],
    'title': u"Is an augumented assignment such as \
                'x = x + 1' the same as x += 1?"},
  {'question': 'a2',
   'options': [[u"'x = (x * y) + 1'",
                u"'x = x * (y + 1)",
                u"'x = (y + 1) * x'",
                u'All of the above']],
   'title': u"The statement 'x *= y + 1' is equivalent to:"}]

Now the questions evolves to extracting the appropriate formatted output
from these two structures.  This can take place in many ways and is 
directly a function of the range of questions you'd want to answer.  In 
addition to the totals by question, one of your output formats appeared 
to be a restatement by user of the survey.  This suggests a class 
structure where you initialize the class with something like:

myAnalyzer = SurveyAnalyzer(survey,responses)

and let it respond to queries like:

sampleRecap = myAnalyzer.recap()
sampleRecap = myAnalyzer.userResponse('3')

Does this help?


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