[Tutor] converting processing code to python code

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Dec 2 02:49:36 CET 2008

"Erica Osher" <eosher at gmail.com> wrote

>I wrote the original code in a program called Processing. (
> http://processing.org/)

Having had a look at the web site it is obvious that the hardest bit
of porting the Processing code to Python is that Python does not
support all the visual drawing functions that Processing does. Most
of them can be replicated by writing equivalent functions in Python
but that is a lot of work - effectively building a python vesion of
Processing! (That would be an exellent project BTW but not
one for a beginner!)

I tried a Google search. The best I could find was:


which suggests using Jython whicjh allows you to call the Java
processing libraies/classes from within Python code. But to
understand it I think you still need to go through the tutorials 


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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