[Tutor] My experience on web.py

nkv at hcoop.net nkv at hcoop.net
Tue Aug 5 08:05:01 CEST 2008

> share
> their thoughts on these
>  matters, 

I've been using TurboGears for a long time now. The documentation is a
little patchy (reads more like a bunch of recipes) but the components
which form the framework are all separate projects - each individually
capable of standing on it's own legs. Also, the TG mailing list is
extremely responsive and helpful.

It's quick to get an app up and running and while some of the details are
hidden, I've found that most of those are the things which I don't want to
mess with.

It's got a lot of nice components for authentication and things like that
which make development quite nice.

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