[Tutor] pysqlite and functions

Dinesh B Vadhia dineshbvadhia at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 12 10:26:56 CEST 2008

I'm using a pysqlite select statement within a def function and it's not working because (I suspect) the pysqlite variables are not being declared corrrectly to be used within a def function or the def function is not setup correctly.  Here is the code followed by the errors:

**** code ****

con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")      # create database/table in memory 
cur = con.cursor()        # note: can use the nonstandard execute, executemany to avoid using Cursor object 
query = "CREATE TABLE db.table(field.a INTEGER, field.b TEXT)" 
query = "INSERT INTO db.table(field.a, field.b) VALUES (?, ?)", data 

def getResult(q, limit):
        query = "SELECT field.b FROM db.table WHERE field.b LIKE '%s' LIMIT '%s'" %(q, limit)
        for row in cur.execute(query):
                print row

# main program
q = <something>
limit = <something else>
getResult(q, limit)        # call getResult with parameters q and limit

**** end code ****

The error recieved is:

Traceback (most recent call last):
for row in cur.execute(query):
NameError: global name 'cur' is not defined

Some notes:

1.  The code works perfectly outside of a def function but I need to have it working within a def.

2. Clearly, everything inside getResults is private unless declared otherwise.  As a quick and dirty to force it to work I declared 

> global con, curs, db.table

.. but that results in the same error

3. Moving con and cur into the def statement results in the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
    for row in cur.execute(query):
OperationalError: no such table: db.table

4. The def getResults is not seeing con, curs and db.table even when declared as global. 

5. I wonder if this is something specific to pysqlite.


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