[Tutor] Check if root

Robert Jackson wolf1boy85 at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 29 01:31:40 CEST 2007

I'm trying to write a function that checks to see if the user that
is running the python script is 'root' (I'm obviously running this
Python program on Linux).

Using os.system(), I have done something like this:

>>> import os

>>> os.system("whoami")




If I try to assign the output of this snippet of code to a variable,
the variable ultimately ends up holding "0" and not the username.

I have seen some examples on Google where some individuals have suggested something like this:

if user is not "root":
    print "You aren't root.  Goodbye."

But that isn't going to work, for obvious reasons (user holds 0, and not the username).  How do I get around this problem?


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