[Tutor] Engarde program was: i++

scott slewin at rogers.com
Tue Jun 5 23:37:56 CEST 2007

Danny Yoo wrote:
>> I will work at your suggestions and will get back to you if I have any 
>> problems.
> Good!  Keep the folks on Python-Tutor up to date with your progress.
Here is the code changes I made based on your suggestions:

I put all the values together into a class

class Character_stats:
     def __init__(self, player, title, name, password, family, sl_inf, 
mistress_inf, mistress2_inf, appt_inf, appt2_inf, spec_inf,  sl, 
allowance, funds, mid, mistress_name, mistress_sl, club, house, horses, 
regiment, rank, ma, appointment, strength, con, cur_endurance, rapier, 
dagger, sabre, cutlass, two_hand):
         self.player = player
         self.title = title
         self.name = name
         self.password = password
         self.family = family
         self.sl_inf = sl_inf
         self.mistress_inf = mistress_inf
         self.mistress2_inf = mistress2_inf
         self.appt_inf = appt_inf
         self.appt2_inf = appt2_inf
         self.spec_inf = spec_inf
         self.sl = sl
         self.allowance = allowance
         self.funds = funds
         self.mid = mid
         self.mistress_name = mistress_name
         self.mistress_sl = mistress_sl
         self.club = club
         self.house = house
         self.horses = horses
         self.regiment = regiment
         self.rank = rank
         self.ma = ma
         self.appointment = appointment
         self.strength = strength
         self.con = con
         self.cur_endurance = cur_endurance
         self.rapier = rapier
         self.dagger = dagger
         self.sabre = sabre
         self.cutlass = cutlass
         self.two_hand = two_hand

There where some values I did not want saved to the character file.  A 
couple where values that are for all characters, so I put them into 
their own class.

class Master_stats:
     def __init__(self, year, month):
         self.year = year
         self.month = month
There are only two values now, but that will most likely increase as I 
get further into the program.

Lastly, I put the temporary values that I did not want saved on the 
sheet into their own class.

class Character_temp:
     def __init__(self, max_endurance):
         self.sp = 0
         self.income = 0
         self.max_endurance = max_endurance
         self.bribe_inf = 0

As you mentioned, my character save file is only a few lines long now :)
def char_save(character):
     '''This saves the character to the harddrive'''
     path = "./characters/" + character.player
     cfile = open(path, "w")
     cPickle.dump(character, cfile)

With the months, I used both your suggestions.  I used the list and then 
put it into a function.

def month_name(monthNumeral):
     """Returns the month name as a string"""
     months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", 
    "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]
     return months[monthNumeral - 1]

and I was able to call then function nicely by using:

s = "\n" + month_name(master.month) + " " + str(master.year)

Your friend,

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