[Tutor] odd bug

elis aeris hunter92383 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 20 08:36:15 CEST 2007

I ran the code attached at the end of the email, it' supposed to out put a
string of characters,

yet I got only this

definition check:


now, it's proper output, however, this part got run only once, when it's
supposed to run multiple times to produce more portions like the one above,
i don't know why this part got run only once:

when that happens
   if box_v == 0:
       zero_count = zero_count + 1
       if zero_count == 2:
           zero_count = 0
           if one_char_box in
               print one_char_box
               box_string = box_string +
str(loc_window_loc_definition [one_char_box])
               print "definition check:"
               print box_string


for b in range(1,50,1):

   ## Next point to check
   x = radar_loc_window_xx + b
   y = radar_loc_window_yy

   ## omit 0 when there are 2 zeros, and check def
when that happens
   if box_v == 0:
       zero_count = zero_count + 1
       if zero_count == 2:
           zero_count = 0
           if one_char_box in
               print one_char_box
               box_string = box_string +
               print "definition check:"
               print box_string

       one_char_box = one_char_box + str(box_v) + "."
   box_v = 0
   for a in range(0,10,1):
       r, g, b = pixels[1030*(y-a) + x]
       if g > r and g > b:
           box_v = box_v + 1
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