[Tutor] Fastest way to iterate through a file

Reed O'Brien reed at reedobrien.com
Mon Jul 2 06:58:13 CEST 2007

On Jul 1, 2007, at 7:13 PM, elis aeris wrote:
>  might just end my quest for
> optimized python source code.
> ugh,
> what does it mean ?


We have two MAJOR rules regarding optimization.  These rules really  
go beyond python, but this is a good place to learn them.

The two rules of optimization:

The first is:

The second is only for advanced programmers.
2) Don't do it, yet!

Until you have working code, there is nothing to optimize. You can  
spend months optimizing and refactoring a for loop only to find out  
that you are hung up on a network operation.  Write the program  
first. Then see if it needs tweaking. other wise you are simply  
rewriting this:

for None in None:


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