[Tutor] Problems with a Class

Carlos carloslara at web.de
Sat Jan 13 01:08:53 CET 2007


I'm just about to finish my project, but something is causing me 
trouble. I need to find out how to get some information out of the 
genetic algorithm that Im using. This algorithm is generating some 
coordinates for a collection of objects, until now I needed only the 
final result of the process. But I discovered that the final information 
is not enough, I need to get some intermediate data to actualize the 
positions of the objects and then evaluate those positions.

This is the area of the algorith that I think holds the info that I need:

def evolve(self, generations = 100):
        self.halt_reached = 0
        for gen in range(generations):

            print 'GEN:',gen, self.entities
            print "Average fitness generation " + str(gen) + ": " + 
            if self.debug == 1:
            if self.halt >= 0:
                max_entity = self.get_max_fitness()
                fit = self.calc_fitness(max_entity)
                if fit >= halt:
                    self.halt_reached = 1
                    return [max_entity]

The line marked as #Changed is what I changed,  with this I was able to 
print the info, but I'm sorry to say that I have no clue at how to apply 
something like return() that would give me this self.entities list. As 
you can see there is a for loop and I need the info every time that it 
gets updated by the loop.

Hopefully I'm making myself clear and the info is enough.

Thanks for your help in advance

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