[Tutor] python shell not working like it used to

Jeff Peery jeffpeery at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 26 08:12:38 CET 2007

hello, I just upgraded to python 2.5 and wxpython 2.6. I'm not sure the correct list for this but I'm trying to shove some variables into a py shell using the below code. this worked pretty well before, but now it gives me an error on the last line of my brief example. The error is:
  'dict' object has no attribute 'this' 
  it occurs on line 171 in shell.py. so I looked in shell.py and it looks like this:
      def __init__(self, other):
        """Create a ShellFacade instance."""
        d = self.__dict__
        d['other'] = other
        d['helpText'] = HELP_TEXT
        d['this'] = other.this
  "other" here is the dictionary I pass in (I think), so it's for some reason looking for some attribute in my dictionary called 'this'. of course my dictionary doesn't have this attribute. I have no idea what this is. any ideas? my few lines of code are below.
  import py
  import wx.py as py
  partList = {'this is some dictionary':1}
  pyWindow2          = py.editor.EditWindow(py.editor.Editor, splitterWindow1, -1)
pyWindow1          = py.shell.Shell(splitterWindow1, -1, introText = None)
pyWindow1.interp.locals['partList'] = py.shell.ShellFacade(partList)

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