[Tutor] Which psyco for Python 2.5?

Dick Moores rdm at rcblue.com
Mon Sep 25 19:53:36 CEST 2006

At 10:40 AM 9/25/2006, you wrote:
>Dick Moores wrote:
> > Damn. Thanks, Kent. I was hoping you'd pooh-pooh the advice.
>I don't really know anything about it other than what I read on the
>psyco site, but they should know whether it works or not...there *was* a
>change in the __index__ method for 2.5rc1, it is listed here:
>As far as the comment about Python 2.5 not being ready for prime time, I
>guess time will tell. I think he is correct that there were a lot of
>internal changes this time; whether that will translate to a less stable
>release, I have no idea. I have upgraded myself but most of my
>production code is in Jython so I don't really risk anything by the
>upgrade. Historically a 2.x.1 release has come out 2-4 months after each
>2.x release.

Well, I'm just a Python putzer, so I'm not risking anything either.

Thanks for your further advice, Kent.


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