[Tutor] Excluding branches while walking directory tree

Dave Kuhlman dkuhlman at rexx.com
Wed Sep 13 17:53:51 CEST 2006

On Wed, Sep 13, 2006 at 11:15:44AM -0400, William O'Higgins Witteman wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am looking for an approach for the following problem:
> I have to walk a directory tree and examine files within it.  I have a
> set of directory names and filename patterns that I must skip while
> doing this walk.  How do I create a set of rules to skip files or
> directory branches?  I'm looking for something reasonably scalable, 
> 'cause I'm sure to need to update these rules in the future.

For the first part of your problem, take a look at os.walk():
And also glob.glob():

The "in" operator is likely to be helpful in determining which
files to skip.  Suppose that you have a list of file names to be

    skips = ['ignore1.txt', 'ignore2.txt']

then check a filename against the names to be skipped:

    if filename not in skips:
        # process the files not to be ignored here.

And, for more complex cases, you may want to write a test function
that returns True or False depending on whether the file is to be
ignored.  A trivial example:

    def good_file(filename, skips):
        if filename in skips:
            return False
            return True

    skips = ['ignore1.txt', 'ignore2.txt']
    if good_file(filename, skips):
        # process good files here


Dave Kuhlman

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