[Tutor] Adding voting to several object in python and db

anil maran anilmrn at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 29 02:14:29 CEST 2006

I m having lots of fun with python it is like all of sudden I m
unshackled from the days of java Man it is a lot of fun. It is super
simple and easy... Ok now to my question, I m trying to add a ranking
feature to various objects in the system,  the users, their posts,
their media etc, suffice to say I have to rank a lot of objects. I can
think of implementing this rudimentarily, add python code and copy to
do everything.

Each object is a postgres db.. eg
Table user
username, metadata,


and so on...
I cant but woefully look at Ruby_oN_rails guys adding ranking with just
one line @act_as_votable and they are set.. no more bugs to fix, Do you
guys have any ideas on how to do this, somehting similar to

@checkaccess in  auth also seems reasonable..

thanks a lot for your time and patience

keep rockin in the web/python world

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